“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well”


your health

Do you suffer from stress or insomnia? Are you experiencing joint or musculoskeletal pain? Is your digestion struggling with heartburn, bloating or IBS symptoms? Have you been suffering with hormonal issues? Or maybe other symptoms difficult to define?

If you are fed up with trying to find  a solution to your symptoms, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed trying things that give you a short-term relief, now is the time to reach out to a holistic health practitioner to get to the root cause of your symptoms, bring the energy, happiness and balance to regain your vibrant health.


  • kinesiology treatment


  • kinetic chain release treatment

    kinetic chain release (kcr)

  • pilates classes and private sessions


why Holistic Health?

Holistic therapy recognises uniqueness  of every person and their individual predisposition to disease.

Quite often there is a misconception that the symptoms we experience are related to genetic burden however, this is only part of the equation. Your health is more complex and influenced by interaction between your genes and lifestyle. Each one of us also has a unique microbiome with over 4000 microbial species living in and on us,  90% of which live in our gut. These microbes have a tremendous impact on how we humans function. 

Unfortunately quite often our modern lives are destroying the microbes through bad food choices, toxins, stress, negative emotions, WiFi and antibiotics.

As a result of our biological individuality, each one of us will be influenced differently by external factors of our daily lives and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all solution for the same condition.

Luckily our body is always working for us and not against us!

However, as Hippocrates said: “If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.”

It is you who must make the right choices but with the guidance of a health practitioner you’ll learn the importance of nutrition and lifestyle choices to allow the vital energy to remain strong in order for the healing power of nature to assist the body to thrive.

how i work

If you would like to learn more about my treatments how they work, tools I use and what they involve please, follow the button below

Services and rates:

start your health journey

start your health journey

Get in touch to arrange an appointment or a welcome call to discuss your symptoms in more details
